When I first learn TTATT I started telling “EVERY ONE”
And it got me in trouble. I lost my family and many friends.
But I’m telling you this; I’m the type of person that just couldn’t live a fake
life.I was already getting fed up with the hypocrisy. I wouldn’t be able to keep going to the Kingdom Hall, field service, and
conventions knowing what the WT really is. I’m just not wired that way.
I’m rethinking my whole view on
who should become aware of TTATT and who doesn’t qualify.
Let me give you some examples on who doesn’t qualify to
become aware of TTATT. And I think we should stay far away from them.
I know of couple of JWs who are elders and both are
quadriplegic. One of them is in his late 50s married to a young sister probably
in her late 30s. She married him because of his determination to be an elder or
what they call a “SPRITUAL MAN”. This man
has what he has because of being a Jehovah Witness. He gets all the respect
that is given to elders and more because of his handicap. He is looking forward
to getting his body restored and being with his wife forever. TTATT will not
help him, it will destroy him.
The second JW is in his 20s and also an elder. He is busy
giving talks, and doing all the elder stuff and looking forward to the NEW
ORDER. All his family are JWs. Every JW that knows him gives him plenty of adulation,
and this has him in a good, happy mood most of the time. This man does not qualify for TTATT. It would
destroy him.
A sister in her late 50s. Pioneered since her Teens and
still pioneering. Gave up having children and her husband just died. She has no
family at all and barely makes ends meet. The JWs help her from time to time
and most respect that she has sacrificed her life for the Truth. This lady does
not qualify for TTAT. It would destroy her at that age and she has no
Children- They all qualify. A parent who knows TTATT should
do all in His/Her power to make them aware of TTATT so their lives are not
Who else does not qualify for TTATT?